
Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Our daughter, Kati, is 20 today! Hard to believe.  Amazing really, since I'm not getting any older.  Funny how that works.
I made this fun card from the Cricut Lite cartridge MEOW that my sweet friend, SHEREE from Cravin' Scrappin', let me borrow.  THANK YOU, SHEREE!  You guys hop over and check out her blog.  She has WINTER FROLIC and did an amazing ice skating card.  I love the way she only embossed the snowflakes on the top.  She's so creative!  I ordered WINTER FROLIC from Joann's and it should be here in a few days.  So excited!  My next cart purchase will be BIRTHDAY BASH.  Have you guys gone to look at the digital handbook?  I had no idea until Sheree pointed it out, that is much more than birthdays.  It's got a chunky font, which I love, and tags, card feature, phrases.... it'a amazing!  I can't wait to get it!
I'm so rambling.... on to this card.....

I didn't use any background paper on this one.  I know, shocker, right?!  I always use background paper.  So this is new and different for me.  I like it.
Kitty was cut @ 3 3/4"
Prima flowers
Rhinestones from Joann's
Bubble sentiments from RAK
Buttons and twine from Joann's
Cardbase and all other papers from Recollections

Our daughter, Kati's nickname is Queen Kati or Kitty Kat - so this was PURRRR-fect for her.  hahahahaha

:) Janis


  1. I think that's such a cute card. I love the words next to the cat, too! :)

  2. Tell Kati Happy Birthday! OK now I am about to look at this birthday cart I'm blaming you if I like it and want it;) I'm going to tell Chris it's your fault! That's my hubby btw he already knows your name since I'm always talking about ya so I am going to tell him its your fault if I like ha ha!

  3. Here I sit, laughing out loud and the dogs looking at me like I've lost it for sure!! You are just sooooooo funny!!! So I'm guessing that Kati will be the same age as you next year?! LOL Love your Kitty Kat card! You are going to really like Winter Frolic cart. It has some great stuff on it! I'm really wanting Nifty Fifties next.
